BEA Words of Wisdom

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.
Ernest Hemingway

Friday, June 18, 2010

Welcome to The Most Exciting Career Opportunity on The Planet!

Dear Friend:

If the above quote by Ernest Hemingway excites you, then find yourself a quiet place to sit down undisturbed and read this entire report. You’ll feel like you finally found your place in life when you finish.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Heru Nekhet and I am the President and Chief Instructor of Nekhet Combat Science Center, Inc. Chances are you haven’t heard of me before. But when you finish reading this, you’ll be glad you finally did. As a professional hand-to-hand and hand-to-weapons instructor of military personnel, law enforcement officers, and body guards, I helped hundreds of my clients prepare themselves for the extreme dangers they face in their chosen professions.

Back in 2001, I was approached by a Bail Bondsman, known as “JR” in the industry, who asked if I could put together a training program for his Fugitive Recovery Agents. You see, at that time there was no official training, guidelines or regulations in regard to fugitive recovery. The old style bounty hunters like you see in the old western movies were kicking in doors and dragging people back into custody.

Having spent three years on the NYPD along with my years of experience training law enforcement professionals, I figured I could easily put together a quality training program for “bounty hunters.” But after spending countless hours with the Bondsman and his agents, I discovered that what they did was far more exciting and totally different than being a police officer… and required very specialized training. Together we created a phenomenal training program that allowed those recovery agents to perform at peak level, and acquire the skills to earn a great income for the rest of their lives.

From Untrained Cowboys to Highly Skilled Professionals in 25 Hours

Something happened shortly after that which shook up the whole bail enforcement industry. Unfortunately, a few of the untrained “cowboys” that flooded the industry, hurt the wrong people and state governments went crazy to quickly regulate the industry. The New York State government set new rules and regulations for certification as a Bail Enforcement Agent (No more “Bounty Hunters”). It immediately became mandatory for everyone seeking to get into the business to take a 25 Hour Bail Enforcement Agent Course at a State approved school.

Not surprisingly, when I submitted my curriculum to the Department of State, it got approved and I received full approval to train and certify Bail Enforcement Agents.

Professional Man Hunting Is Now Extremely Profitable

Whether you call it Bail Enforcement, Bounty Hunting, Fugitive Recovery, or Bail Bond Investigations, the business of hunting and apprehending fugitives is alive and well and agents in the field have NEVER MADE MORE MONEY THAN RIGHT NOW!

The world has drastically changed since the tragedy on 9/11. With war still raging in Afghanistan and Iraq, terrorism is a real threat. Since that tragic day in 2001, along with terrorism, violent street crimes have risen dramatically. With many law enforcement assets tied up in terrorist prevention and street patrol, they cannot assign assets to recovering common criminals if they skip out on their bail.

Local law enforcement agencies are beginning to realize that Bail Enforcement Agents must play an increasing and vital role in the criminal justice process. This new spirit of cooperation has suddenly made being a Bail Enforcement Agent very valuable and EXTREMELY LUCRATIVE.

The greatest thing about this industry is that virtually ANYONE with the RIGHT TRAINING, determination and a bit of courage can be successful and make truck loads of money at the same time.

If you’ve ever seriously considered getting into the field of law enforcement before, but were discouraged because you weren’t thrilled about the low pay, having to work holidays, weekends, overnights and forced overtime and you were discouraged because you didn’t want to spend years in an assignment you didn’t want waiting to get promoted or transferred to something you really liked—NOW there is a totally new, exciting and in demand opportunity in law enforcement that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Being a Bail Enforcement Agent Offers Huge Benefits Like…

· Gigantic Rewards - Typically you are compensated at a rate of 10% of the Bond involved. For example if you are involved in the apprehension of a fugitive with a $50,000 bond, you would be paid $5,000.00. Often there is additional payment for expenses, prisoner transport etc. There are also minimum charges for small Bonds. You could do two jobs in a month and easily make $10,000.

· Work From Anywhere You Wish – Being a Bail Enforcement Agent offers you the flexibility to work anywhere or with any Bondsman and still make astonishing amounts of cash. Once you acquire these skills they are marketable all over the country… Heck, some bail enforcement agents even cross the borders into Mexico and Canada and bring back fugitives. If you are a great hunter, your skills will be in demand!

· Create a Business With No Need for Employees – You can easily run the whole show. No headaches and no hassles from disgruntled employees. You’re the BOSS. You call the shots.

· Heart Pounding Excitement – There is no other career in the world that allows you to experience the action and adventure associated with tracking down and capturing a fugitive on the run. Feel the THRILL OF THE HUNT every time you search for and take another fugitive down!

· Start Part Time or Go Full TimeThis is no 9 to 5 job where you work 40 hours per week. You determine how many jobs you want to take. YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS! You can do it in your spare time and still make thousands of extra dollars every single month… Or quit your job and get a shit load of money doing it full time.


That’s the kind of life my clients lead and it’s the same one you may be able to also once you register for this 25 Hour Bail Enforcement Agent Course. The truth is there is absolutely no reason why you couldn’t get started as a Bail Enforcement Agent and create the life you’ve always dreamt about.

Who Should Register For This Course?

If you have a desire to play cops and robbers, save yourself the aggravation… become a police officer and get it out of your system. The bail enforcement profession is far more than patrolling the streets waiting for something to happen. If your goal is to become a highly paid professional within this industry and you are prepared to make the effort, and if you’re smart enough, sneaky enough and tough enough to bring bail jumpers and bond violators back into custody as a modern day “Bounty Hunter,” then becoming a New York State Bail Enforcement Agent is the Career for You!

Experienced agents that have not met their state requirement will find this a great way to stay out of jail and avoid a major lawsuit – as a matter of fact I believe they will experience a huge income explosion when adding this to their resume because Bail Bondsman will quickly hire a certified agent and turn away others to avoid the liability.

People just wanting to get started as a Bail Enforcement Agent must take this course as required by the Department of State.

So, who should register for this 25 Hour Course? Any already established agent who wants to boost their income and stay out of jail. Also, anyone interested in making $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 or more a month "part-time."

Will This Course Teach Me Everything I Need To Know?

There is NO COURSE that can teach you everything you need to know. There is no substitute for real live experience. This course is not designed to teach you hunting skills. This is the course that is required by the State to get started in the business – period!

This mandatory course contains 25 information packed hours of state required training on the laws, basic practices and rights of fugitives that every Bail Enforcement Agent MUST KNOW. This is the ONLY course that will allow you to legally get into this business.

Most importantly, once you receive your official certificate from us and submit it to the state, submit your fingerprints (to prove no felony convictions) and get insurance you can start making huge piles of cash right away. That is everything you need to start and become a certified Bail Enforcement Agent.

If you later decide you want advanced level training in skip tracing, surveillance, handcuffing, hand-to-hand combat, weapons disarming, and other related skills, we offer training in those areas once you complete the mandatory 25 hour class.

We’ll show you all you need to know. If you have absolutely no experience, no problem!

You're Probably Worrying: Getting In On This

Must Cost a Small Fortune...

For an opportunity as valuable as this, you could easily expect to pay $2,000.00 or even $5,000.00. If you can get out there and legally get hired by bondsmen, double or triple your income in only months, quit your present job and spend more time with your family doing the things you love while you continue to grow your bank account year after year, what is that actually worth to you? Hopefully, at least $5,000.00.

I can't put an exact dollar figure on what it is worth for you - only you can do that. But I can tell you this; other schools that are not even state certified are charging $4,997.00 for half the information provided in this course- and you can’t even get certified with that. But I want to do something special… I decided to offer this course at a special low price of only $799 because I want people just like you to have the opportunity to make big money just like the bounty hunters I trained years ago.

At only $799, this state required course could very possibly be the best bargain and the best investment you'll ever make- a hell of a lot cheaper than college or trade school!.

Look, the “25 Hour Bail Enforcement Course”, at only $799, is packed with the best, essential, and easiest to use ways to break into the law enforcement field and make lots of money quickly. ANYBODY WITH ANY INTEREST AT ALL IN GETTING IN ON THE BAIL ENFORCEMENT BOOM WOULD BE NUTS NOT TO PART WITH $799 TO GET IN ON THIS EXCITING OPPORTUNITY. This decision is a “non-decision”.

That’s why I have to limit this offer to the first thirty five people to respond. But… Because I don’t have time to waste with people that aren’t serious about starting in this great new career, I’m going to sweeten the deal some more. If you are one of the first ten people to respond to this offer, I will reduce the already low cost by 29%... that’s an additional $200 savings. Now you can get in on this great opportunity for only $599 if you register Right Now!!! (This announcement is also going out to 576 people individually. So, register immediately to guarantee you get this special deal!)

What To Do Immediately, While This Incredible


Is Available.....

It’s simple. The fastest and easiest way to guarantee you don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity is to fill out the Risk Free Acceptance Form and email it to or pop it in your FAX machine and send it to: 1-718-622-2268 to register.

We’ll immediately hold your seat in this exclusive program and you’ll become a Bail Enforcement Agent in just weeks!!!

Act on this now, and you can be on the way to having everything in the world you want -- true freedom to experience excitement and adventure and getting paid handsomely to do it.



Heru-Ur Nekhet, President

Nekhet Combat Science Center, Inc.

PS – If you feel you’ve got what it takes, then put your money where your mouth is. This is no field for wimps, cry babies, and loud mouths… you must be smarter, sneakier, and sometimes tougher than the greatest prey known to man - the criminal fugitive on the run! If you want to experience the rush and excitement of the hunt and ultimate capture, don’t waste another minute CALL us at 1 (800) 614-4018 or EMAIL us NOW :

PPS - Be very careful if you plan to spend your money at one of the Bail Enforcement Academies being advertised on the Internet! Some fall very short of preparing anyone to get into this profession – most are not state certified. There are only a couple that really make the grade and will be worth the time and money to attend – and we are the BEST OF THE BUNCH!!!!